Steve Jobs’ porn distraction

Steve Jobs wants to convince the public that Apple’s anti-feature-filled devices take some sort of moral high ground. He goes further to say that Free software-based Android devices should be bought by those who want pornography. What Jobs really wants is the profit for Apple when they control what software you can or can’t have on your device. Like a mufti justifying a fatwā on forced veiling or a government justifying unwarranted wiretapping, Jobs aims to convince us that Apple is doing society a service. In reality, he is distracting us from the actual problem. That is, that users are not in control of their computing. Whether we find pornography appealing or repulsive, we should reject his attempt to play moral police.

The beauty of Free software device is not that it can be used to access sexual imagery, but that it gives users the freedom to make their own decision.

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2 Responses to “Steve Jobs’ porn distraction”

  1. Microsoft Too Says:

    Microsoft does this with Windows Phone 7 too.

  2. Anastasia Says:

    “The beauty of Free software devices is not that they can be used to access sexual imagery”

    Surely, that’s part of it? :p

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