Posts Tagged ‘ubuntu’

To Mark Shuttleworth

November 9, 2011

If this goes through, I want to publicly thank you and Canonical. Perhaps this “dropping” of Mono was purely for technical/practical reasons. Or maybe it was a recognition of the threat to Canonical’s business interests in the form of software idea patents. Or perhaps it was both a technical issue and a long-run, market-based decision.

Regardless, I hope it pays off for you. It already has for Ubuntu GNU/Linux users.

android, ubuntu, firefox…help?

May 1, 2011

Set up an FTP server on an Ubuntu machine using vsftpd. A laptop client running Ubuntu (top) connects just fine through Firefox. An Android (Honeycomb) + Firefox tablet (bottom) however…

android, ubuntu, firefox?

I don’t get why the Droid doesn’t connect.

maverick meerkat

April 2, 2010

Mark Shuttleworth recently announced the mascot for Ubuntu 10.10 – ‘Maverick Meerkat’. While I have bad associative memories of the word ‘maverick’ with a certain US politician, it does make me wonder how the 10.10 release will live up to the name. After all, getting slicker and adding new features isn’t necessarily a demonstration of independent thinking. But I can think of one place this mongoose can radically depart from tradition…on the desktop with Gnome 3.

Time will tell.

What the Dell?

October 29, 2009

At a site the first two points are fine, no bias at all. But…


And on the right, they imply that the benefits of Free software are primarily for programmers. Educational institutions should also compare and contrast two opposing statements here…on the left, “do not want to learn” and on the right, “want to learn”.

resize and rotate images easily

February 3, 2009

If you use the Nautilus file manager for GNU/Linux you may want to

sudo apt-get install nautilus-image-converter

Then kill X (ctrl-alt-backspace) and next time you use Nautilus you’ll notice options to easily resize and rotate images when you right click on them. My thanks to Hamish Taylor for this useful tip.

the Gates Foundation and GNU/Linux

January 25, 2009

A great idea that will never be:

This is a great time for the Gates Foundation to embrace Linux, bringing the value of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) to people who might otherwise not hear its value.

ubuntu FUD masquerading as journalism

January 15, 2009

An ABC News affiliate in Madison Wisconsin pretends to play watchdog for consumers while spreading FUD about buying machines with GNU/Linux preinstalled. The article claims on behalf of the consumer:

Her Verizon High-Speed Internet CD won’t load, so she can’t access the internet.

Her Verizon High-Speed Internet CD isn’t needed to access the Internet. Like any Internet contract, she would have been given her user details and can easily enter them without the CD. To claim that “she can’t access the Internet” leads readers to a false conclusion. The article goes on:

She also can’t install Microsoft Word, which she says is a requirement for MATC’s online classes.

That simply can’t be true. OpenOffice Writer on Ubuntu will open any of the institution’s .doc files and if (for some absurd reason) the school requires uploaded files to be in .doc format, OpenOffice can do that too. To the credit of the journalist, he apparently contacted the school and they affirmed that she could do her online classes without Microsoft Windows.

Besides the impression that you can’t go to school or access the Internet with Ubuntu, a portion of the “featured video” left me scratching my head. The footage clearly shows this lady working with Ubuntu 7.10. Ubuntu 8.04 has been shipping on new Dells since last summer. Exactly when was this January 2009 article written?

dream machine

November 8, 2008

I want something like a coreboot ILG laptop with a wireless chipset by Atheros. Partition that with gNS and Ubuntu and my needs are met. Did I miss anything?

reset your GNOME desktop

February 1, 2008

This tip is too useful not to share. Running a computer lab with GNOME (Ubuntu GNU/Linux in my case) means desktops sometimes go haywire as my students are given the freedom to play with the panels and other settings. Resetting the desktop to its default condition is very easy:

Browse your home folder, view hidden files, and delete any of the following that exist…

.gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity

Log out and the next time you log in, your desktop should be reset.

Wal-Mart shopper sophistication

November 2, 2007


[…] research indicates that Wal-Mart shoppers are so unsophisticated they equate physical size with capability.

I wonder how long it will take them to realize they’re not running Windows.